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Benefits of Hot Tub in the Morning and Things You Should Avoid
What are the benefits of a hot tub in the morning? Hot tubs can provide several health benefits, particularly when used as part of a morning routine. Here’s a closer look at each benefit: Stress relief and mental clarity The heat, combined with the rhythmic pulse of water jets, works to ease the mind into […]
How Long Do Panic Attacks Last vs. Anxiety Attacks?
Key different signs between panic vs. anxiety attack According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), panic attacks are sudden surges of intense fear peaking within minutes, happening frequently per day or infrequently per year. They can also occur without warning (1). As for anxiety attacks, the DSM-5 doesn’t precisely define them, […]
The Best Herbs That Help With Anxiety and Stress
7 herbs that help with anxiety: How do they work? Herbal medicines in Chinese traditional medicine Herbal medicine is a common ingredient and source of traditional medicines (1). Herbal medicine has a long history of over 3000 years. However, the earliest herbal text known to the world was written over 2000 years ago in China. […]
Why Is Soda Bad for You: 18 Side Effects on Health and More
How does soda affect your body and why you should quit drinking Is drinking soda bad for you? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the harmful effects of soft drinks on the human body – as with other sugary drinks, include weight gain/obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, heart […]
Does Chewing Gum Break a Fast: Everything You Need to Know
Does chewing gum break a fast? Fasting is when you go without eating or drinking anything with calories for a set period (1). Can you have gum while fasting? If you’re looking for a quick answer—gum, with some calories, may disrupt your fasting efforts. Can you have chewing gum while intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting (IF) […]
Liver Disease and Itchy Skin: Causes and Treatments
Does liver disease cause itching? Possible Links Roughly 4.5 million people in the United States (1.8%) have liver disease, according to the National Health Interview Survey in 2018 (1). Long-term liver problems can cause itching, also known as pruritus. The itchiness does not depend on how long the disease has lasted, how serious it is, […]
Is Burping a Lot a Sign of Cancer? Possible Links and More
Excessive belching and cancer: What is the link? Belching, also called burping or eructation, is when air from your stomach or esophagus comes out into the throat in a sound (1, 2). Belching is usually good, as it means your body is getting rid of extra air to ease your stomach (1, 3). Everyone experiences […]
Can You Donate Blood if You Have Diabetes? Facts To Know
Can people with diabetes donate blood? Things you should prepare to give blood Every year, five million American people need a blood transfusion (1), which means every two seconds, someone in the US requires blood help (2). Can you donate blood if you have diabetes, which affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide? The simple […]
Can Diabetes Cause Dizziness? Diabetes and Vertigo
Can high blood sugar cause dizziness and vertigo? Dizziness and diabetes explanation Feeling dizzy is a common reason for medical visits—about 5% of walk-in clinics and 4% of emergency department patient visits complain about this, including two different underlying problems: “Dizziness” and “Vertigo.” “Dizziness” differs from “vertigo,” a condition that feels similar but signals a […]
Anxiety and Loss of Appetite: Causes and What to Do About It
Can anxiety cause loss of appetite? Reasons and ways to regain it The bond between anxiety and appetite is strong and multifaceted. People might find they’re too stressed to eat, leading to a significant decrease in their appetite. Even emotional distress, including sadness, can cause this. But why can anxiety cause appetite loss, and what […]