Peifen Chou, RD
Obstetrics and gynecology, lactation instructor, integrative medicine, aromatherapist, holistic nutritional consulting, functional medicine, and pet nutrition.
Work Experience: Registered Dietitian, Certified Lactation Instructor of Chinese Lactation Consultant Association, Member of Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators (TADE), NAHA Certified Level 1 Aromatherapist®.
I particularly values the mental health and dietary nutrition of women and children. I believing that the body, mind, and spirit are interdependent and inseparable. Women undergo strong physical and mental changes and impacts during the process of preparing for pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, and child rearing, while the process of infants to young children is in the critical stage of building a holistic concept of nutrition and overall health. Therefore, I always invests extra effort to explore these topics.
Don’t Miss Out on These 30 Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss
The science of healthy snacking Some limited studies have indicated that snacking has varying yet no significant impact on overall calorie intake (1, 2). One study, however, has found high-protein and high-fiber snacks to be most effective in lowering both hunger and net calories (3). Likewise, there is no conclusive or direct correlation between snacking […]
30 Best Fat-Burning Foods To Lose Weight
What are the best fat-burning foods? The best foods for losing weight are not too difficult to recognize. Eating foods that are nutritionally dense means you get more for less. Foods that improve satiety, or keep you feeling full longer, mean less cravings and fewer calories eaten overall. Lastly, there are also foods that can […]
13 Foods To Help You Lose Weight
What to Eat to Lose Weight? There is so much miscellaneous information on the Internet, leading to much confusion regarding weight loss. The constant race of eating anything you want, counting calories, and then burning it is not a very healthy weight loss approach. Instead, experts believe adding healthy food to your diet and having […]
Recognize Your Hunger: 15 Reasons Why You Are Always Hungry
1. Hormonal imbalances Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers. They are responsible for sending signals that onset and terminate all our bodily functions, including appetite regulation (4). The main messengers in control of appetite control include ghrelin and leptin (5). Ghrelin plays the role of appetite increaser, while leptin is the appetite suppressor. When there’s […]
Breastfeeding vs Formula Feeding: How To Choose?
Breast milk vs. formula Breast milk is the mother’s milk produced in later pregnancy and after giving birth (2). To know about it, it’s important to understand how it develops to fulfill a baby’s nutrition. Many hormones, like estrogens, progesterone, oxytocin, prolactin, etc., are included in lactation (3). Colostrum secretion can occur in late pregnancy […]
Infant Feeding Chart: Guideline From Newborns to the First Year
Infant feeding chart (newborn and baby) There is no very hard and fast rule when it comes to feeding. However, the nutrition and amount should be adequate to support the child’s development. For example, newborns within the first month may need feeding every one to four hours (2). Also, once they start with solids (after […]
How Much Formula Should a Newborn and Baby Drink?
How much formula and how often to feed my baby? Generally, newborns should be fed on demand. The on-demand feeding is when you feed after noticing the hunger cues (2). This will allow the newborn to develop the habit of infant formula milk generally. Also, with time they may increase their intake. Moreover, it’s one […]
6 Best Fermented Foods and Their Benefits
Common Fermented Foods Fermented foods are also full of gut-friendly bacteria called probiotics. So having a healthy gut can boost your immune system and even your mood! Here are some common fermented foods that will tantalize your taste buds: First up is the popular fermented cabbage called kimchi. This spicy and sour Korean fermented veggies dish […]
15 Best Foods To Eat When Pregnant for You and Your Baby
What to eat when pregnant In pregnancy, your body supports the baby’s health and development (1). Also, you need the required nutrition to carry out a healthy pregnancy. Therefore, there is a need for approximately 300 extra calories each day (2). Alternatively, you can consider the three different pregnancy trimesters. Usually, no extra calories are […]
Breastfeeding Positions: Tips From Experts and Experienced Moms
Nursing positions basics The benefits of breastfeeding are lifelong. It helps the mother and baby to bond (1). Also, it fulfills nutritional requirements, strengthens the immune system, and reduces the risk of certain diseases (1). But, the importance of nursing positions is also important. A good position having a proper latch benefits the newborn (2). […]