Lauren Ann Teeter, CNS, LCSW
Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) Licensed Clinician (LCSW) Mindfulness, Biofeedback, Integrative & Functional Medicine
Functional & Integrative Approach To Mental Health, Functional Nutrition, Functional & Integrative Medicine, Psychotherapy, Mental Health
Work Experience: Lauren is a functional nutritionist and licensed therapist who takes an integrative and functional approach to mental health and overall wellness. Lauren has worked as a clinician, researcher, and writer in mental health and functional nutrition. Lauren takes a root cause approach to wellness— looking at the body, mind, and responses to our environment. Lauren is passionate about empowering others to become their own expert and advocate in terms of optimizing their health and well-being. Lauren has worked with those with various health conditions including digestive, metabolic, hormonal and mental health. Lauren has worked in outpatient and inpatient settings.
Lauren’s speciality lies in how functional nutrition and lifestyle factors can modulate and optimize biochemical pathways in the body that influence how we feel in terms of our physical and mental health. Lauren takes an individualized approach to health— recognizing the many factors that influence wellbeing– including biochemical makeup, trauma and adverse childhood experiences, genetic predispositions, as well as nutrition and lifestyle.
How To Stop Having Negative and Spiraling Thoughts: Try These 5 Methods
How to stop bad thoughts: 5 ways to handle them No one can live without negative thoughts. It’s the natural mechanism of our brain aiming to keep us safe that we can’t control (4). Therefore, instead of asking, “How to block out negative thoughts?” let’s shift our focus to “How to stop focusing on the […]
Asparagus Benefits for Skin and 4 Potential Health Benefits
Asparagus benefits for skin: May protect against skin aging Ultraviolet (UV) radiation causes inflammation in skin cells, which can increase the rate of collagen loss and lead to early signs of skin aging. Antioxidants can prevent or reduce the severity of the initial inflammation. Studies on cell cultures showed that asparagus extract inhibited inflammatory cascades […]
10 Best Foods for Faster Brain Recovery, With Recipes and What To Avoid
10 best foods for brain recovery A healthy diet filled with whole foods will contribute to your best health. When it comes to healing from a brain injury, there are certain foods that you should add to your daily routine. Turmeric Curcumin, a polyphenol that is the active ingredient of turmeric, has a range of […]
EAT These 6 Foods Every Day After Turning 50
TRANSCRIPT First, it’s easier to gain weight and face higher healthcare costs. For people with severe obesity, the costs will skyrocket. A 2021 study from Harvard School of Public Health shows that healthcare costs are higher for women and people aged 60–70. [1] One reason is that your body has more fat settling in, disrupting […]
Digestive Enzymes for Protein: Types, Side Effects and More
What are digestive enzymes? Digestive enzymes for protein are produced by your body. They are found throughout your digestive system, from your mouth to your small intestines (1). These catalysts break down food proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into smaller, more absorbable nutrients. When large components are broken down, it’s easier for your body to use […]
Probiotics for Skin Health and Skincare: How Does It Work?
The role of probiotics for skin Probiotics are popular for their digestive health. But they can also balance your skin’s ecosystem, strengthen its defenses, and promote a healthy, radiant complexion. The best probiotic for skin health to look out for is Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium. Here’s how they achieve this. Balance the skin microbiome Probiotics and […]
Why Is My Sleep So Bad: Symptoms, Causes, Remedies and More
What is considered bad sleep? So, what does bad sleep look like? Here are some clear signs that your sleep could be better (1): Why is my sleep so bad? Wondering “why am I losing sleep” or “why am I not getting quality sleep”? From what you sip to hitting the gym—we’ll explore how your […]
10+ Foods Good for Prostate Health and Problems
What is the prostate? Before we study foods good for prostate health, let’s understand what the prostate is. The prostate is present below the bladder and in front of the rectum in men. It surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine and semen out of the body (2). Anatomy and function The prostate is […]
How To Get More Deep Sleep: Lifestyle, Diet, and Natural Remedies
Why deep sleep is important Getting a good night of deep sleep is important for restoring all bodily functions. Sleep affects every body system: metabolism, gut function, hormones, brain function, and libido (2, 3, 4, 5). Studies show that deep sleep is linked to managing stress and anxiety and storing and processing fat. It is […]
How To Recover From Sleeping Too Much and After a Long Sleep
Causes of oversleeping: 14 Hours – 16 Hours – 18 Hours In a world that often praises the early bird, waking up after sleeping 15 hours might make you wonder, “Is this normal?” If you find yourself routinely sleeping over 12 hours or even hitting the sleep 16 hours mark without understanding why, it’s time […]