Lauren Ann Teeter, CNS, LCSW
Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) Licensed Clinician (LCSW) Mindfulness, Biofeedback, Integrative & Functional Medicine
Functional & Integrative Approach To Mental Health, Functional Nutrition, Functional & Integrative Medicine, Psychotherapy, Mental Health
Work Experience: Lauren is a functional nutritionist and licensed therapist who takes an integrative and functional approach to mental health and overall wellness. Lauren has worked as a clinician, researcher, and writer in mental health and functional nutrition. Lauren takes a root cause approach to wellness— looking at the body, mind, and responses to our environment. Lauren is passionate about empowering others to become their own expert and advocate in terms of optimizing their health and well-being. Lauren has worked with those with various health conditions including digestive, metabolic, hormonal and mental health. Lauren has worked in outpatient and inpatient settings.
Lauren’s speciality lies in how functional nutrition and lifestyle factors can modulate and optimize biochemical pathways in the body that influence how we feel in terms of our physical and mental health. Lauren takes an individualized approach to health— recognizing the many factors that influence wellbeing– including biochemical makeup, trauma and adverse childhood experiences, genetic predispositions, as well as nutrition and lifestyle.
Tips for Dating Someone With Bpd | Bpd and Relationships
Borderline personality disorder: Signs and symptoms Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a complex mental health condition that falls under a personality disorder and is often misunderstood. A core feature of BPD is how an individual relates to others in the context of relationships. Think of it as sailing through a constantly changing sea. One moment, […]
How Long Do Panic Attacks Last vs. Anxiety Attacks?
Key different signs between panic vs. anxiety attack According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), panic attacks are sudden surges of intense fear peaking within minutes, happening frequently per day or infrequently per year. They can also occur without warning (1). As for anxiety attacks, the DSM-5 doesn’t precisely define them, […]
How To Stop Dissociating? These Strategies May Work for You
What is dissociation and how to get out of dissociation? According to the American Psychiatric Association, dissociation is: “a disconnection between a person’s thoughts, memories, feelings, actions or sense of who he or she is.” (1) Then is dissociation bad? Not entirely. Everyone experiences some kind of dissociation from time to time which can also […]